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Run your city // In Japan with Étienne Gélinas

Cours ta ville // Au Japon avec Étienne Gélinas
- Photos by Etienne Gélinas
Run your city // In Japan with Étienne Gélinas
What brought you there?

My fascination with Japanese architecture and gastronomy, film culture and manga probably influenced my choice of a master's project in architecture that revolves around Lake Biwa, Japan. It wasn't so much the running that only came later in my project, because running is now a major part of my life. I wanted to go to Japan anyway. The idea of ​​making my trip with my house on my back also came up while preparing the trip, as a challenge.
Tell me briefly about your trip.

I arrived in Tokyo and the culture shock was immediate, the language barrier and being a foreigner in Japan is significant. I headed to Lake Biwa which I wanted to run around, the mouthful was a bit big. I did a bit of it but I chose to put the challenge on another occasion and enjoy the country.
Then, destination Kyoto, a total favorite because of its human size and its gastronomic scene, among other things. I would live there, nothing less. Finally, I visited a museum island project by an architect I really like, Tadao Ando.
What is your favorite course ?

On the island of Naoshima , welcomed at the port terminal of the architects Sana, on a mixture of road and path that ran along the perimeter of the island, like a semi-desert garden in motion, bordered by turquoise water, on land that disappears according to the tides. It was the immersion in this enchanting terrain, more than the physical challenge, that was the heart of the adventure.
Is this a good country for racing?

The climate changes from north to south, I spent the month of December there, so it was cool around Tokyo and almost tropical towards the south, very pleasant. Since it was the deconfinement, running was the only time I could take off my mask, I saw people smiling. So yes, in this context, it is a good country for running.
Fun Fact

In Tokyo, after a 12-hour flight, I get accosted by a girl who tells me she just went on a Buddhist trip to Mount Fuji and makes me repeat " aoums " with her, right in the airport. Good sport, I'm joining her trip. Welcome to Japan!

What makes you run?

Mainly for the spontaneous encounters and the adventure and self-improvement aspect. I allowed myself to go to areas where I didn't necessarily think I was capable of going.